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1-Step Pro Details

Everything you need to know about our 1-Step Pro Program.

Updated over a week ago

Please read all of the following rules closely to understand the program.

The Maximum Drawdown Limit & Daily Caps

  • 6% Max Static Drawdown Limit

The Maximum Loss Limit is a threshold preventing an account’s equity or balance from falling below a certain point. It is calculated as 6% of the account’s closed balance as of 5:00 pm EST.

  • 3% Daily Loss & Profit Cap

The daily loss and profit cap is set to 3% of the account's balance, as calculated at 5:00 pm EST. If this limit is hit, it's considered a soft breach and a trader can continue using the account once the limit resets at 5:00 pm EST. For example, if a 3% gain is made at 1:00 pm EST, trading will be deactivated for 4 hours until 5:00 pm EST.

  • Account Target

This program has a simulated profit target of 9%. Upon your account's floating equity hitting the target, our system will automatically recognize it as a pass. Within 48 business hours, we will then send your KYC documents. Upon completion, we will then issue you your Master Account.

News Trading & Lot Size Limits

We currently don't have any restrictions surrounding news events. However, please refer to our All-or-Nothing prohibited trading strategy and ensure that you're remaining risk-managed at all times.

There is no hard set lot size limit. A trader is restricted solely based on their available leverage.

Instruments, Simulated Leverage & Commissions

The simulated leverage offered is the following:

FX: 15:1

Metals: 15:1

Indices & Energies: 15:1

Crypto: 2:1

Stocks: 5:1

There is a 7$ round trip commission per standard lot. Crypto, Indices and Oil are commission-free.

There is an option during checkout to double your leverage to 30:1. This will only apply to FX and Metals.

We currently offer over 100 stocks. For a full list of available stocks, please email our support team at [email protected].

Reward Requests

The standard reward is 90% of the simulated gains on your Master Account.

We offer the first payout on-demand. This means that you can request your first reward whenever you would like. All subsequent rewards can be requested every 30 days, with a $100 minimum.

Rewards can be processed Riseworks and can be requested through your Trader Dashboard.

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